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Dami Acupunctuur & Welzijn is happy to share her knowledge with you. We regularly give lives on Instagram and keep this blog up to date with interesting facts and information about acupuncture.

The realization of the Lives on Instagram covers different subjects, but always focusing on Women's Health. People who participated in the Lives: Ângela Ponce @angelaponce.psychologist, Márcia Belarmindo @nutri_mabelarmino and Márcia Kosanovic @corpusgratus.

And we give some tips on where to find tropical foods in the Netherlands.

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Dami Boaretto


Known as an alternative therapy in traditional Chinese medicine, acupressure is a form of massage that is increasingly being studied and used in ...

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Cromopuncture pen
Dami Boaretto


A vibrational technique that aims to balance the body's energies through the irradiation of colored lights on Acupuncture points.

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Energy is what moves the bow, decision is what releases the arrow

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